Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Legal, Technological, and Political forces

Chapter Objectives 1
Describe the major types of legal systems confronting international businesses
Explain how domestic laws affect the ability of firms to conduct international business
List the ways firms can resolve international business disputes
Chapter Objectives 2 
Describe the impact of the host country’s technological environment on international
Explain how firms can protect themselves from political risk  
The Legal Environment
While domestic firms must follow laws and customs of home country, international
businesses must obey laws of home country and all host countries.
Common Law 
Based on wisdom of judges’ decisions on individual cases through history 
Cases create legal precedents 
Countries Using Common Law 
United States 
New Zealand 
Saint Kitts 
Civil Law 
Based on codification of what is and is not permissible 
Originated in biblical times with the Romans 
Reinforced by French Napoleonic code 
Judge determines scope of evidence collected and presented  
Religious Law 
Based on the officially established rules governing faith and practice of a particular
A country that applies religious law to civil and criminal conduct is called a theocracy  
Economic and Political Impacts of MNCs on Host Countries 
Greater selection 
Higher standards 
Job creation 
Tax benefits 
Technology transfers 
Job loss 
Dependency on economic health of MNC 
Political power  
Cultural Impacts of MNCs on Host Countries 
Improved standard of living 
Introduction of new products 
Better health care 
More sanitary food products 
Abuse of less developed policies in the areas of safety and environmental concerns 
Negligent product offerings  
Dispute Resolution 
Which country’s law applies? 
In which country should the issue be resolved? 
Which technique should be used to resolve the conflict? 
How will the settlement be enforced?  
Principle of Comity
A country will honor and enforce within its own territory the judgments of foreign courts
Conditions of the principle:
Reciprocity is extended 
Defendant is given proper notice
Judgment does not violate domestic statutes or treaty obligations

Arbitration is the process by which both parties to a conflict agree to submit their cases
to a private individual or body whose decision they will honor.
Intellectual Property 
Brand names  
International Treaties Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Rights (i.e., the Paris
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 
Universal Copyright Convention 
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement
Table 3.2 Examples of Political Risk 
Campaigns against foreign goods 
Mandatory labor benefits legislation 
Civil wars 
Kidnappings, terrorist threats 
Currency devaluations 
Increased taxation
Basic Country Knowledge 
Is the country a democracy or dictatorship? 
Does country rely on free market or government controls? 
Does government view foreign firms as positive influence? 
Are firm’s customers private or public? 
Does government act arbitrarily? 
Is existing government stable?  
Insurance Against Political Risks 
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) 
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)  

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